After an alien spacecraft crash lands in Beverly Hills, CA, a government agency approached Notch Industries for their help in a top secret program to investigate the encounter. The house interior was transformed into a complex of research laboratories with the basement being used for experiments on the surviving aliens.
Will AREA 1181 remain a secret or will the aliens plot an escape that not even the government can stop?
AREA 1181 was unlike any other immersive event, with the overall experience shrouded in mystery from the first email guests received. The once-familiar home exterior was transformed into a high-security decontamination site, an ominous start for the night ahead…
The home’s interior became a complex of interactive research laboratories with extraterrestrial specimens encased in illuminated tubes in the living room.
The journey continued to an eerie alien crash site outside, in place of a pool, inviting guests to uncover the mysteries of the fateful event.
Descending further into AREA 1181, guests entered a live specimen area where research on surviving aliens unfolded throughout the night.
For the Hellcrest VI art direction, we started by taking inspiration from aerospace companies, defense contractors, and sci-fi movies to build our visual foundation for the event. As a secretive research and development agency, Notch Industries was created as a stand-alone entity that exists within the larger Notch universe we’ve developed over the past decade of events.
An alien alphabet was created and applied to graphics, flyers, signage and media displays throughout the event to immerse guests in the world of Arera 1181.
Several types of HUD interfaces were created and used as key elements within the party’s immersive game and scenic elements.